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نموذج الطلب Anmelde Formular | (pdf)
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دورة في اللغة Sprachkurs
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خريطة simple map Stadtplan
عناوين Adressen
الاتصال البريد mail Kontakt
gjermanisht deutsch
aplikimi formë Anmelde Formular | (pdf)
zyrë Amt
Kursi i gjuhës Sprachkurs
online «I» «II» 
Adresa (qytet) simple map Stadtplan
adresat Adressen
@ postë mail Kontakt
Anmelde Formular | (pdf)
online «I» «II» 
simple map Stadtplan
@ mail Kontakt
allemand deutsch
formulaire d'inscription Anmelde Formular | (pdf)
Bureau Amt
cours de langue Sprachkurs
online «I» «II» 
plan de la ville simple map Stadtplan
Adresses Adressen
@ courrier mail Kontakt
german deutsch
registration form Anmelde Formular | (pdf)
office Amt
language course Sprachkurs
online «I» «II» 
city map simple map Stadtplan
adresses Adressen
@ mail mail Kontakt
Refugee Guide
A Guide for Communication and Orientation in Germany
QUESTIONS You might be asked
(first office contact):


Help for Refugee Women in Need
Les femmes réfugiées aider fo dans le besoin
Ndihmuar fo gratë refugjate në nevojë
Tevkarî fo jinên penaberan li pêwîstiya
Muhtaç Mülteci kadinlar fo Yardim
<get APP>  Hilfe für Refugee Frauen in Not !


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