Video Training: | WO treffen wir uns ? | 2015-02-20(divx) | Zahlen 0-12(divx) | Emotions(mp4) | Aufgaben (Exercisies) »»»
image |
deutsch |
english |
arabic |
Berg |
mountain |
Bundes-Länder |
countries of germany |
Kaffetasse |
cop of coffie |
Essen |
food |
Glas |
glas |
Farben |
colors |
rot |
red |
schwarz |
black |
gelb |
yellow |
grün |
green |
Haus |
house |
Dach |
roof |
Fenster |
window |
Eingang |
entrance |
Hausnummer |
street number |
Türklingel |
door bell |
Namensschild |
name plate |
Briefkasten |
mail box |
Holz |
wood |
Mensch |
human |
Nummernschild |
license plate |
Musik |
music |
Tastatur |
keyboard |
Pfeil |
arrow |
- |
rechts |
right |
links |
left |
Telefon |
phone |
Wolken |
clouds |
1, 2, 3... |
Zahlen |
numbers |
A, B, C... |
Alphabet |
alphabet |
my |
Mail Adresse |
mail adress |
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